November 2, 2014

Powerful eCommerce Holiday Marketing Strategies for 2014

Online shopping and online selling has become more efficient and fun these days. With new technologies been introduced round the year, eCommerce stores are making haste by harnessing new techniques that sets them on the path of spectacular growth.   Last year, it was all about guest blogging, website optimization, higher CTR & conversion rates, and responsive design. This year, it's all about mobile, social networking, big data, analytics and personalization. All these changes has led to new trends in the world of eCommerce. The long and short of it is that there are significant changes happening in the eCommerce space and some of the important ones have been listed below: 1. Mobile Optimized Websites: Last year, the...

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September 19, 2014

9 Ways to Empower your Sales Reps via B2B Platform

Believe it or not, sales reps view online platforms as a threat. They think that online platforms not only eat into their commissions but block sales opportunities as well.  But there's a sunnier side to it well. The online platform acts as a bridge between the customers and the sales reps, as they stay connected 24/7. And what with manufacturers and distributors adding more tools and functionalities to their B2B platform to support sales reps on a day-to-day basis. The arrangement enables the manufacturer to offer customers exact information on pricing, inventory availability, and product information to the sales reps. Some of the important B2B eCommerce platform features that empower sales staff are as follows: Include a dashboard...

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August 27, 2014

How To Be A Retail Giant In The World Like Amazon

Believe it or not, Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. In 2013, Amazon's online retail sales recorded a whopping $67.9 billion, more than the next 9 largest e-retailers combined. Through this post, we make sure our clients know how an Amazon Webstore, the eCommerce platform of Amazon can reap huge benefits by giving an amazing online shopping experience to their customers. What makes Amazon Webstore a success, while others are forced to bite the bullet.  1. Personalized Services: As per a research from Infosys, one-third of the consumers expect personalized shopping experience. And Amazon rocks at the personalization front. Their on-site recommendations are not only colossal but they are interesting enough.  2....

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August 20, 2014

How to Make Non-shoppers Shop With eCommerce

Nowadays businesses have classified shoppers into four different categories : the bargain hunter, the researcher, the impulse shopper and the loyal shopper. But then, there's one more important category that businesses tend to ignore. Yes, the non-shopper. These shoppers are said to be low on patience and they tend to dislike shopping anywhere and anytime. They hate digging through the sales rack to find that perfect shirt or pair of pants.    Shop With eCommerce For such shoppers, there are online subscription retailers like Fancy, Trunk Club and Mantry. These retailers...

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August 7, 2014

Benefits of Using Inventory Management Software

Are you managing the inventory of your store manually and wondering if you should opt for one of those inventory management software that's available widely in the market? Yes, you definitely should because it offers loads of benefits. Just have a look at some of those benefits. Empowered workforce An effective inventory management system will arm you with a barcode scanner and an in-depth knowledge about how much inventory you have and where it's located. Once you receive an order, it becomes very easy for the employees to find the right product and pack them. Also, each and every aspect of the inventory management system will be streamlined and simplified. Affordable As the processes will be streamlined and employees will be empowered...

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July 21, 2014

How to Track Inventory in Multiple Locations

As the size of inventory increases, management becomes complex and convoluted. The problem becomes more severe when you have to expand the warehouse facility and manage multiple warehouses. If you don't have a proper inventory management system in place, you will never know how much of inventory is stored in each of the warehouse locations. So in this kind of situations, an highly advanced inventory system that helps you in warehouse management is a must. Ideally, a flexible inventory management system will help you: Check inventory levels of each products at each location with a click Integrate shipping options such as UPS, FedEx and USPS Transfer bulk of items from one warehouse to another in case of shortage or excess Monitor short-term...

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July 18, 2014

Basics of Setting Up An eCommerce Stores

If you are selling through a brick-and-mortar store, it's about time that you set up an online store and expand your horizons. The reason for doing so is simple: daily more customers are shifting to online buying due to packed work schedules and advanced technology. And there will come a day when a customer will rarely go to a brick-and-mortar store to buy anything. Consequently, if you want to keep pace with the changing times, you have to have an eCommerce store. If you are wondering from where to start, no worries. Here are the basic steps that you need to follow to set up the store.             Setting Up An eCommerce Stores Domain name Like your brick-and-mortar store, your...

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